Saturday, 9 February 2013

Status report

As expected, things are going well due to well thought out design and ensuring the more work done means less to do later on - this philosophy in Agile has been precisely correct.

Simplicity - the art of reduce the amount of work not done is essential.
This famous saying on simplicity of design comes from Antione de Saint-Exupery: 
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away"

This entails a few factors of agile software development which I have come to view as "the important one" if you are to truely integrate agile: it means the staff should be enthusiastic, conscientious, ambitious and amicable: It means that the staff should be a team. XP and SCRUM highlight the importance of these traits. Simplicity of the development is crucial - especially when you are planning in short iterations. Keeping things obvious yet not too basic is what aids the continuity of the overall project to everyone involved.

Simple organisation, simple communication and simple design elements - refining processes that work, and expanding on failed processes - ensuring they do not disrupt the development again during the project by reflecting and evaluating the people (ie. Me) and anyone else involved.

Although I still haven't finished: still plenty to do but it is achievable  I have now got enough time to reflect, evaluate and make it better before testing the game.

Still to accomplish these features >
* Code levels logic (chamber 2 and 3 (4)(5)) - speed of bg scroll, enemies and objects, spacing etc
    - door reset, chamber text setup, reseting varaibles for the next chamber
* Coding logic for back to menu and next chamber next button logic for 2,3(,4,5)
    - button press logic
* Get the sound looping
* improve imagery quality
* see if I can re-fractor anything - a final clean up at the end 

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