I have tidied up my documentation now and have produced my Design, Technical and play test evaluation documents.
DESIGN DOC -Subject to change:https://www.dropbox.com/s/f0tgk10samozqtf/DESIGN%20DOC.pdf
TECH DOC -again may change: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5o8ucnxlgg6jr85/TECHNICAL%20DOC.pdf?m
EVALUATION FORM - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ec2nveechz8bx26/EVALUATION%20FORM.pdf
I also decided reshuffle my dropbox as after assessing how much the project has developed. I have created a new record system since it was getting messy - now got a document for general progress (daily/throughtheweek) and another programming
My agile paper potential quotes for the literature review (unsorted)
My agile book potential quotes for the lit review (unsorted) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqwuf1i5zx4gwwh/Agile%20book%20potential%20quotes.pdf?m
Agile project management according to Jim Highmsith encourages team meetings which use team assessment cards. I thought that I would create my own of the progress thus far (week 1 - 9)
The targets all remain consistent. While none of them are complete, the attitude remains a constant and the performance could be better - which is a challenge but a reachable one. It shows that more focus should be on the literature review as it is requires the most work. The design of the game is at a level with the programming which is rather positive and means it is easy to adapt - not least because the code is designed well. Research into Agile could be a lot better if I had more time but is still consistent.
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