Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Week 8: Honours Project


    • Collected the book on XP programming from my mate at Hamilton Uni.
    • Found 15 papers on agile software development 
    • The meeting with Dr John was helpful yet again: he offered me use of his galaxy tablet.
    • Focus should be on correlating quotes in the papers/books and finding Project management books in the library

    I began the week with researching academic papers on agile software development and found a good many papers on the subject. When I had identified ones which had credible authors; I put them into a pdf table so I could refine their usefulness. Find it here (13/11/2012 version)

    After I had taken care of other modules work in the week, I had a read through some of the books that I had. Armed with my newly acquired post it notes, I highlighted what I regarded as potential quotes for the literature review. Feedback was given during the meeting from Dr John that I was doing this correctly and to continue doing it: I should have about 100 in a book while only a few from journal papers so this is my goal for next week.

    During the meeting, I asked Dr John if he knew of any ipad2's which would be available to loan for home use - the issue was resolved last week but I thought during the week that to enhance how efficient the testing process would be, I could seek to get use of one. He kindly offered use of his newly won Galaxy tablet. Thanks again!

    The goals this week were met: 
    1. Research papers 
    2. Highlight good quotes

    This weeks goals are as follows:
    1. Research for project management books in the library
    2. Keep researching good quotes and strip the papers for potential quotations 
    3. Document them for later to catagorise them and keep the work organised, readable and simple to use.
    I also want to carry on with my Interim report which is due for review in week 11

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