Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Week 7: Honours Project


    • Meeting with Dr John went well: Must remain on target for the literature review.
    • Dr John assisted me in looking at a few of the books I got and identified 'good quotes' to find.
    • The goals is to carry on and get Agile papers and quotes from the books

    This week I analysed my progress thus far and recorded it in my record file which I'm keeping on dropbox.

    During the week my tester, told me he was selling his ipad2 so I put the word out to everyone on the facebook Creative tech page (everyone on game devlopment /technical course follow it) and Dr Daniel Livingstone got back to me offering me his help in the matter. I could use his within the university if I arrange to meet him which is excellent!  

    Later in the week Jof (my tester) told me that he had gotten the Ipad mini (a smaller version of the Ipad with the same resolution as the Ipad2) so, I'm back in business - I will be able to test the game on the ipad and check on Daniels how it looks on that. (Perhaps this change could alter the user requirements to demonstrate how agile development adapts to changes during the project - I have the back-up plan at least!)
    Today at the meeting with Dr John, I got another lot of help with the literature review - Good quotes, citing authors within another authors paper. And researching the relevant journal ie. the chaos philosophy - not just quoting then explaining in a pleonastic way; the quote in the same way.

    The project thus far has met my personal deadlines eg. for project management handins, sorting out getting the specification written, researching topics etc

    The analysis stage is completed (and has been for a while now) as I got my dissertation topic sorted at the end of week 3- The specification form submission took longer than predicted due to Dr John being busy but good communication saw that the document was handed in on time.
    The design stage begun with some CRC cards and thought about the UI for the game in week 4.
    Implementation has now been pushed forward (deadline set with Dr John in week5 is to start it in December when I have the literature done.)
    Again this plan is a mere measure of my personal progress with the development - it does not match the agility of the development as it is - ie. The game may change as weeks go on (design stage and analysis may need ot be revisited etc)

    The targets for the following week are researching papers and looking and highlighting good quotes to build an abundance of citations which could potentially be in my literature review/method.

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