Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A bit of design

After a bit of a test play, a refactor of obsolete code, a merge of the menu parts, a consideration of the art work to display the story  introduction, a tidy up and polish of some sprites the new revamped screens above show exactly where the game is heading: gameplay! Finally, I am ready to code the game play and get some levels up and running.

Incremental design with XP has played a great part in developing the game so far. I have realised that the up arrow resides above the android systems applications button which disrupts the game from time to time when the player clicks it accidentally. What I am planning to do is move the two right buttons up to the centre of the screen so that A) the player no has as much screen visible and B) the problem should not persist and the gameplay can run smoothly.

The programming addenda for the following sprint week is as follows >

* The run animation for the player
* Enemy involvement - obsticles such as boulders, enemies, chamber wall chunks
* The design and revamp of the story introduction
*redesign of the button layout for the screen

Then if all goes well, the follow are what would be left - hopefully the following week will be able to take care of these issues

* Left and right involvement in the gameplay
* Setting up the attack functionality
* End sequence

17/01/2013 00:05
The title screen layout revised

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