Thursday, 17 January 2013

Coding success prompts new features pronto!

Got alot done today again - and theres still another hour left in my working day.
Just to re-iterate here:

The programming addenda for the following sprint week is as follows >

* The run animation for the player 
* Enemy involvement - obsticles such as boulders, enemies, chamber wall chunks
* The game code design and revamp of the story introduction 
* redesign of the button layout for the screen 

Then if all goes well, the follow are what would be left - hopefully the following week will be able to take care of these issues

* Left and right involvement in the gameplay
* Setting up the attack functionality
* End sequence

I plan to make unit tests for the animation - which means another curve to add to the learner graph for the project!
I also plan to draw new revamp slides for the story.

That's a good thing about single development in agile; it seems to get things done quicker than relying on team effort and the right type of amicable "person" to get the job done well. When one aspect of development is done, you can just go straight onto the next.

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