Sunday 20 January 2013

Development time

Bat sprites are done and working in the unit test code.

Boulder sprite is done and working (rotates with code)
Mummy sprites are done and working

Spider sprite is done 

Hp sprites done and working in unit code

Exit door

Now, to tackle the coding side of things - merging the unit test with the game code shouldn't be difficult!

The collision detection works but I have just concluded that it works merely because it checks the sprites x position not actually when it touches (duuh!!) Time must now be invested into researching how to code this. A break is in order ...

Dreamed up this bit of code - In theory this will work, not tested it yet BUT, it will be inefficient to use compared to the method that the engine uses to check collision - but it is a fall back 

If ( Sprite.position.x >= this.x-5 || Sprite.position.x <= this.x+5 || Sprite.position.x == this.x && grounded){
// Reduce health bar by one, make enemy non visible and reset its position 

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