Thursday 31 January 2013

Project review

I decided it would now be best to review the project since the sprint has now ended.

I reckon that the programming this current sprint has boosted it greatly from what it was before.
Problems that were permanently issues or persisted upon themselves were resolved and plans put in place for the next "game". Agile is working well.The mix of SCRUM, XP, APM and considering DSDM/FDD is
getting things done efficiently, tolerably and with fineness.

I have documented what has happened with this sprint. Time is an important factor but making sure you are able to do the work is of more importance. This can only be achieve by 'good short term thinking/planning'. In the APM book by Jim Highsmith he states that:

Responding to change over following a plan. This statement reflects the agile viewpoint characterized further by:
·         Envision – explore versus plan-Do
·         Exploration versus production
·         Adapting versus anticipating” 

This in a sense reflects what XP inspires developers to be like when creating software. Risk taking to achieve a goal while knowing what can be done due to the flexibility and short term thinking of the entire project.

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